Tuesday 31 July 2012

Note to self

I abuse my body. 

Maximum number of eggs consumed in 1 day: 12  (I was helping my friends finish their breakfast.)

Maximum cans of cola drunk in 1 day: 6  (I was totally stressed out at work. When I requested my manager to get me my 5th can of cola, he got me 2 cans. His fault, really.)

Injuries just sustained: bruises on both knees, 1 shin and lower back (from falling on ice), 2 bloodied big toes (dunno why), 4 purple nails (which will eventually turn black and fall off), blisters on most toes, sides of feet and both heels.
Right heel, not at its worst
Blister on left heel, not at its worst, is bigger than an Aus 50 cent
Note to self: DO NOT sign up for any activities where flip flops are not acceptable footwear for 99% of the time. At least not till when I reach Peru.

1 comment:

  1. my blister at e bottom of e left foot grew to dat size too...
