Tuesday 9 October 2012


It is all about timing. I missed the football actions in Spain, Italy and England and basketball in Spain because the timing were not right and Euro Cup 2012 because I was in the mountains in Africa. 

I finally got to catch some sports actions in the USofA. The Giants were playing in Philadelphia and I watched New York Jets play against San Francisco 49ers. I do not follow the National Football League ("NFL") but used to watch it when it was shown on on free-to-air television back home. NFL sure is an expensive affair. Tickets, expensive. Food, expensive. Drinks, expensive.
It is all about the hair
The Jets' defence was a let-down and Sanchez did not deliver. The Jets' fans did not see the turnovers they wanted. With the third touch down by Carlos Rogers, most of the Jets' fans started to leave the stadium.

Baseball was another matter altogether. The last time I watched baseball live was in the old Yankees stadium, when they played one of their last games at The Cathedral. The atmosphere was still as electrifying in the new stadium, on a night when the New York Yankees were on its way to thrash Boston Red Sox 14-2 and named the American League East champions.

It was home-run galore, thanks to the 5 or more pitchers from Red Sox. As much as I enjoyed the home runs, I always find it more exciting to have the bases fully loaded and the outfielders in a mess and everyone running for their lives. Too critical of me? Haha! Sorry!
Jeter in action
Cano, poised for another home run
A-Rod walked
The boys doing the traditional YMCA moves

I have yet to watch US Open (tennis), NBA and ice hockey. Next time, perhaps. When the timing is right.

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