Monday 8 October 2012

New Jersey, with friends

This would be my last pit stop for a long time so it was rather depressing on the last few days.  I was staying with Teresa and Jerry in New Jersey. Teresa's parents were also visiting so I had her mum's home-cooked food every night.

I did not do much at all (not sure how the days just went by).

I watched Maggie train for her soccer (born in the USofA, she probably does not understand why it is 'football' to me).
Sometimes I followed the family to their friends' for lunch or gate-crashed Maggie's classmate's birthday party.
BBQ at Hsien Tsung and Ching Wei
I met Gloria to do some sightseeing in Manhattan and she treated me to Peruvian lunch.
Brooklyn Bridge
Joined a 3-day tour with Teresa's parents to visit Niagara Falls and Toronto.

Watkins Glen
Canadian National Tower

Sometimes I would join Teresa on her daily commute to Manhattan and managed to catch up on news of friends, what is going on in Singapore, the US Presidential Election, work... Otherwise, the superwoman would have been too busy with work, kids and housework.
Pier 11, Manhattan
 Time flew and I had to go. Thank you so much for your hospitality, dears! 
Jerry, Teresa's mum, Nicholas, Teresa, Maggie

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