Thursday 31 May 2012

Púbol to Flaçà

I was on my way to Castell Gala Dalí.
On the map, Flaçà looked near enough to Púbol. I thought I could walk along highway C-66 to from Flaçà to Púbol. 
From the train station, I walked to C-66 and began to felt unsure if it was alright to walk on the shoulder of the highway and if the distance between Flaçà to Púbol was really that short. I made a U-turn, went back to the train station and took a taxi to the castle instead. 

The journey on the taxi felt short so I decided to return to the train station on foot. The route was about 5km and it was a beautiful walk. (For those who want to walk from the train station to the castle, maybe you can read from the bottom of this page and reverse-engineer your way to the castle.)
From the square next to the castle, you will see this statue (of someone I cannot remember):
Cross the road and you will see a sign that says you are not in Púbol: 
Continue on this road and you will reach a church and the town centre of La Pera.

Continue walking until you will see a brown signage on the left hand side of the road that says "Flaçà (3.2km)". This is a cycling track that will lead you to Flaçà eventually. Just follow the track and walk and walk and walk. Simple?

The fields on the left will eventually become forests. The forests are not dense and the cycling track is always very obvious and flat (there is no need to bash through a jungle or find a hidden track). 

Every now and then, there will be little signages of a bicycle or your distance to Flaçà to let you know you are on the right track.
Along the way, there are plenty to keep your senses busy. The melodies from the bees, the birds, the water and the breeze in the trees and in the grass. The sights and fragrances from the flowers and plants and sometimes, animals' dung.

I have learnt from my new friend Raquel that there are different flora in each season. These are some of what I saw along the way:


This plant must be super yummy - it had lots of snails on it


Nearer to Flaçà, you will reach the highway and see the a road sign across from the highway pointing to Flaçà. Do not cross the highway. Continue to follow the cycling path sign:

You will soon reach a bench, a still pond and a bridge. 
Walk under the bridge and continue with the cycling path.

You will soon pass by a factory and a park with this lamp post:

Very soon, you will reach Travessera de Sant Josep, Carrer Sant Josep and the sign that points to La Pera.

Cross the road and you will see the Flaçà train station 50 metres away:

* End of walk from Púbol to Flaçà *

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