Wednesday 19 September 2012

Paris, avec des amis

This is my first pit stop to meet up with friends. My hosts, the Liangs, have just relocated to Paris due to work.
Les Liangs - Andrea Mae, Wendy, Megan, Ting Wee, Ryan

As school had yet to open, we went to visit parks and zoo.
Photo credit: Wendy

After going to East Africa, I thought I would not enjoy going to the zoo again. Surprisingly, I still do.

My favourites remain the same:
Photo credit: Ting Wee

Megan and I went also to Musée de l'Orangerie. She was impressed by Les Nympheas but found the nudes and butt cracks too boring.
Photograph credit: Megan
Then, Megan had to start school. She was so excited that she woke up at 5.30am(!) to repack her school bag. 

Mae Mae and Ryan who would start 2 days later, tried on their new school uniforms.

There were so much fun and laughter. Every now and then, someone would break into a song or a dance. I can so see the children perform in a musical.

Video: Mae performing after dinner
Sadly, I had to leave...

I miss you!


  1. Wow!! A nice summary :) with lovely photos! Thanks! We loved having you here, wish you could have stayed to be their nanny!

    1. Initially I was thinking to posting more so that your families can look at them. But there are just too many pictures! And pardon. U will have to wait for me. I am a very popular au pair, u know. Say hi to the peppa pigs for me please.

  2. how come i have this vague memories of a kid called megan? did i see megan before many many years ago?

    1. i don't think so. she's only been back for a couple of years.
